September 11th Memorials
Remembering a World Wide Tragedy
The events of September 11th were, no doubt, a massive
tragedy. I felt it only necessary to convey what I felt through artwork. Here are the pieces I have done thus
This isn't actually that fantatic of a piece, but has amazing symbolism. I won't be
blatant and point each and every one out because I believe it's important for you to pick them out on your own. They mean
more that way, I think. In fact, someone once picked out symbolisms that I hadn't even intended. So, find your
This was done with Crayola colored pencils. It took about 8-9 hours.
This one is just a sketch, but it's also really popular. I did it on the back of a
church bulletin (way to pay attention!) with some regular old pencil. It's not a masterpiece, but people love it.
I would fix the towers, the Statue of Liberty, the girl . . . just about everything. Except I no longer have the original.
Ain't that sad?
More 9-11 memorials coming soon!