Roku Shoki
This is the story of a girl who has beautiful brown hair. One day, she awakens to find it has turned a brilliant
opaline white and doesn't know why. Rating: PG13 for blood, fright, etc. Est. Reading
Time: 15 minutes
A sonnet I wrote for English class. It has an unexpected ending, as do all of my stories. Rating:
PG Est. Reading Time: 3 minutes
Only Your Heart Can Guide You
I wrote this two years ago, so it's a bit sophomoric. I do like it though. I'm sure you will too! It
is about a man who decides to search for a multiverse, which he hasn't the slightest clue as to what it is, but searches despite
this. Rating: PG for dumb humor Est. Reading Time: 10 minutes
How to Talk Teen
This is an article I had published in my local newspaper under a column titled "Community Perspective." I didn't
get paid, but did get coverage and minor (very minor, mind you) publicity. It's about teen slang! You will enjoy
it, it's very funny. Rating: G, obviously, because it was published in public Est. Reading
Time: 5 minutes