Pics Done in Watercolors of with Watercolor Pencils
This pic was done, surprisingly, with very little planning. I was messing around with my fancy Prismacolor watercolor
pencils (so nifty!) and before I knew it, it came out like this! I added the lilac bush as an afterthought, and you
can certainly tell! The title of this pic is "Hieon" which literally means "calmness" but I was going for "peace."
The text next to her arm is my name and the text on the bottom is the date, July 30. A funny thing about the pic name:
I was going to call it this anyway, but when I found the word "hieon" I picked it straightaway because I have a friend in
Korea who's name is Heeyeon which is very close to the Japanese word. So it's kind of named after her, so I'll have
to send a copy to her.