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Vash the Stampede

A Wonderful Drawing of the Best Anime Guy!

Of course that is just MY opinion . . .
This picture struck me right away from the Trigun series.  It's "the picture from the series" so automatically everyone recognizes it!  So it obviously isn't an original, but is a damn good copy!
This one took me abuot 8-9 hours.  I did it with a mechanical pencil (.5 lead), a good white eraser, and a medium size blending stick.


The picture below is actually a huge poster done on poster board.  I did it with Prismacolor colored pencils, various black markers, and an airbrush.  Then i scanned it in six pieces and cropped and pasted it together on my computer.  (Sorry it looks so bad . . .)  Anyway, this is dedicated to one person and we'll see if he ever reads this.  >^-^<  He'd better, anyway.


More Vash pictures up soon, for he is the best!

"Love and Peace!" -- Vash's Motto